- Utilize open source code and schematics
- Implement a serial bus design for organized wiring
- Enable Bluetooth communication for real time control
- Synchronize the action of xArm 1S and Tankbot
- Please note that synhcronization controller can only used with xArm 1S and Tankbot.
The Hiwonder Synchronization Controller for Robot with Bluetooth Communication, Arduino Programming, Real Time Controlis powered by Arduino and allows for wireless remote control of the robot via Bluetooth, allowing the robot and controller to perform the same action in unison. It is compatible with Hiwonder series robots, including Tankbot and xArm 1S.
If you desire to learn about xArm 1S and Tankbot, please refer to the following links to get more info:
xArm 1S: https://www.robotshop.com/products/hiwonder-xarm-1s-intelligent-bus-servo-robotic-arm-unassembled-version
Tankbot: https://www.robotshop.com/products/hiwonder-tankbot-track-robot-car-loaded-with-robotic-arm-stm32-programming-with-somatosensory-glove
Here is the link of synchronization controller tutorial: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gKmFlq_GLE9ejaVfTxPUUI8gxxwMwnaO?usp=sharing