Red Rover Robot Chassis Kit with DC Motors and Motor Controller
Red Rover is a simple 2WD robot chassis that gets your projects moving quickly! Unlike other robots that need expensive motor control boards, the Red Rover comes with a really simple motor controller board. If you can make servos move, you can make Red Rover move!
What’s included
- Red anodized aluminum chassis with cutouts for drive motors and hardware.
Platform approximately 156 x 73 mm - Aluminum support shelf with standoffs
- Dual-channel motor control board
- Two DC gear motors (micro-servo size)
- Two large drive wheels with tires (outside diameter approximately 60 mm)
- Swivel caster
- Mounting hardware and cable harness
How it works
Red Rover includes a motor driver board that makes the wheel drive motors appear as two continuous rotation servos:
So you’ll be able to use your micro-controller’s standard servo library to drive Red Rover. Set the motor to 180° and it’ll drive at 100% forward. Set it to 0°, and the motor will run backwards at full speed. Set it to 90° and it stops.
This graph gives a more detailed timing diagram if you wish to drive Red Rover at a lower level:
For more details and example code, please see our blog post Red Rover, Red Rover, we’ll send it right over!